LIFE GROUPS: You don’t have to be a member of the church to join one of Lake Pointe’s small groups called Life Groups…it’s “the church within the church”. Life Groups are made up of people with similar ages or family structures meeting together for: •Living For Others | Mission/Ministry •Interactive Bible Study •Fellowship •Encouragement This is where real, life-enriching relationships can form and develop.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Jesus warns us about 4 specific pitfalls that we as Christians need not only to avoid, but to guard against. There were some great ideas shared in class about how to "be on guard" against:
The 4th pitfall is found in Luke 12:35-48
Read that passage and then discuss these questions with your spouse and/or family"
The 4th pitfall is found in Luke 12:35-48
Read that passage and then discuss these questions with your spouse and/or family"
- What pitfall is Jesus warning us about?
- What 2 characteristics should be a true of a servant who is ready?
- How long should a servant be willing to wait?
- What is involved in being watchful and waiting?
- What is the fate of someone who knew the right thing to do but did not do it?
- What is the fate of the servant who acted in ignorance? (Why is there a difference?)
- How should we act while we wait for Jesus' return?
In Him,
Sunday, November 27, 2011
LG Weekly Challenge
LG Family & Friends;
It is so easy for us to rationalize away the passages on Jesus calling us to follow Him wholeheartedly. We tell ourselves that Jesus wouldn’t really tell us not to bury our dead or say good-bye to our family. As David Platt described in Radical, this is when we start to re-define Christianity. We take the Jesus of the bible and twist Him into a version of Jesus we are more comfortable with. A nice, middle-class, American Jesus. A Jesus who doesn’t mind materialism and who would never call us to give away everything we have. A Jesus who would not expect us to forsake our closest relationships so that he receives all our affection. A Jesus who is fine with nominal devotion that does not infringe on our comforts…
WOW. That description by Platt really hit home with me this week. My weekly challenge to you is to ask yourself if you are rationalizing away the call to commitment to Jesus. Ask your savior what it means to follow Him wholeheartedly. Is Jesus your first love?
After spending time with God in prayer, make this a dinner conversation for the whole family. Ask each other what would be the hardest thing to give up.
Be Intentional.
It is so easy for us to rationalize away the passages on Jesus calling us to follow Him wholeheartedly. We tell ourselves that Jesus wouldn’t really tell us not to bury our dead or say good-bye to our family. As David Platt described in Radical, this is when we start to re-define Christianity. We take the Jesus of the bible and twist Him into a version of Jesus we are more comfortable with. A nice, middle-class, American Jesus. A Jesus who doesn’t mind materialism and who would never call us to give away everything we have. A Jesus who would not expect us to forsake our closest relationships so that he receives all our affection. A Jesus who is fine with nominal devotion that does not infringe on our comforts…
WOW. That description by Platt really hit home with me this week. My weekly challenge to you is to ask yourself if you are rationalizing away the call to commitment to Jesus. Ask your savior what it means to follow Him wholeheartedly. Is Jesus your first love?
After spending time with God in prayer, make this a dinner conversation for the whole family. Ask each other what would be the hardest thing to give up.
Be Intentional.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Weekly Challenge - The Study of Luke (week 14)
How can you, as a disciple of Christ, live with determination, perserverance and courage in your life journey this week?
Weekly Challenge
December Family Devotional
First Sunday of Advent (November 27, 2011)
Play some Christmas music and meet around the table. Place the Advent Wreath in the center of your dinner table.
I. Read Psalm 25:1-3.
II. Light the first purple candle of HOPE - The light of the prophets reminds us of the hope that God gives us. We can have hope because God is faithful and will keep the promises made to us. Read Jeremiah 33:14-16. Our hope comes from God. “And again, Isaiah says, ‘The Root of Jesse will spring up, one who will arise to rule over the nations; the Gentiles will hope in him.’ May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:12-13)
III. Devotion: Today we light the first Advent candle. It is the candle of hope. It is a time to think about what it means to celebrate Jesus’ birth and to follow Jesus. The Bible says that Jesus is the light of the world. Read John 8:12. Jesus loves us and shows us the way out of the darkness. Jesus shows us the way to live. We have many lights around us at Christmas time to remind us that Jesus is the light of the world. Our hope is based on our trust that God’s gracious promise will be fulfilled. We light the candle in hope, looking forward to the time when all of God’s people will safely live in God’s city.
IV. Prayer: Thank you, Jesus, for coming to earth, just like the prophets said, and for your
promise to come again. Thank you, Jesus, for being our light so we know how to live. God help us to stop doing so many things so we can spend time with you. Help us to see your light that shines in us and help us to see your love for the world. Help us to love others the way you love them. Amen.
During the first week of advent use the following topics at dinnertime:
Monday- Ask each person to talk about a special Christmas celebration from the past. Talk about
what you are looking forward to this Christmas. How does Christmas bring you hope?
Tuesday- Share the responsibility of sending people cards this year. Give thanks for the people you are sending them to. How can these cards bring light and hope to their life?
Wednesday- Reread John 8:12, and John 12:46. By daily looking to Jesus, who came as a Light to the world, we are more and more freed from the darkness of ignorance, error, sin, and misery. We learn that the command of God our Savior is everlasting life, which provides us with a great hope. Sort through your Christmas ornaments and find those that symbolize the “Light” of Jesus who is the Light of the World. What help does the light of Jesus give to you?
Thursday- Read passages in scripture about giving and receiving gifts: Matthew 6:1-4; 7:7-12,
25:35-40. Talk about God’s gift to us? What do the passages say about giving? Do they change the way you feel about giving and receiving gifts?
Friday- Talk about a way your family can provide hope to someone else. Suggestions: Seek a family member, friend, neighbor, or co-worker you can help in some way that will give them hope. Is there a ministry opportunity your family can be involved with to give others hope? Consider sponsoring a child short term through an Angel Tree, or long term through LOI.
Second Sunday of Advent (December 4, 2011)
Play some Christmas music and meet around the Advent wreath.
I. The second candle is the Candle of Preparation. Preparation means to “get ready.” Read Isaiah 40:3-5 “A voice of one calling in the desert, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him. Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low. The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth. And all mankind will see God’s salvation.”
II. Light the first candle of HOPE- Reminding that during Advent we wait in the hope that God’s promises will be fulfilled. Then light the second candle, The Candle of Preparation which represents LOVE. God kept his promise of a Savior who would be born in Bethlehem. Read Micah 5:2-5 about the promised ruler from Bethlehem. During Advent we also wait, in love, knowing that the Good Shepherd loves his sheep and gave his life for them. Read John 10:11-15.
III. Devotion: Today on the second Sunday of Advent, we remember that Mary and Joseph were on the way to Bethlehem. Their journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem was over 70 miles. Read Luke 2:1-7. We are also on a journey. We are on our way to celebrate Christmas, and the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Sing or read: O Little Town of Bethlehem
IV. Prayer: Lord, thank you that you love us so much that you sent your Son, Jesus Christ, as a little baby. In love, O Lord, we wait for you to restore us. In love we wait to celebrate the coming of the Good Shepherd. Help us to be your sheep, depending upon you for food, assurance, and protection. Watch over us and keep us safe. May we live securely with you forever. Amen
During the second week of advent use the following topics at dinnertime:
Monday - Reread Isaiah 40:3-5. This prophecy was fulfilled through the life of John the Baptist. He did in a spiritual way what workers accomplished in a physical way when a king was about to travel through an area—that is, fix the road. Land travel depended on useable roads, which were few and hard to maintain. So when kings wanted to travel by land, workers were hired to make a special “king’s highway” (there is still a road in Palestine and Jordan called The King’s Highway). Talk about ways your family can prepare for Jesus’ second coming.
Tuesday- Reread Micah 5:2-5. These verses tell of a prophecy concerning the birth of Jesus as Prince of Peace. It speaks of Jesus’ birth and His Second Coming, and also talks of Him as coming from "everlasting" and being pre-existent. Wednesday- Reread John 10:11-15. Jesus cares for us with a pure love. He provides for us without fail. Talk about the ways Jesus cares for us as a Good Shepherd. Thursday – Reread Luke 2:1-7. Talk about daily trips that you make. What kind of transportation do you use? What is fun and what is difficult about your daily trips? What would it be like to make your daily trips on a donkey? Think about the people you know who live far away. What would it be like to travel there by donkey? Pray for your travels or for relatives and friends that may be traveling this Christmas.
Friday- Read John 3:16. Pray for nonbelievers that you know to experience God’s love through Jesus Christ. So that they will have hope and be cared for by our Good Shepherd.
Third Sunday of Advent (December 11, 2011)
Play some Christmas music and meet around the Advent wreath.
I. Read Psalm 95:1-7.
II. Light the first candle of HOPE, we wait in the hope that God’s promises will be fulfilled. Light the second candle of LOVE, both for our love for God and God’s great love for us. Then light the third, pink candle, of JOY. The light of the Shepherds reminds us not to be afraid but to be joyful while we wait on the Lord.
III. Devotion: Today is the third Sunday of Advent, the Sunday of Joy! Mary was not afraid,
but joyful, because the Lord was with her. Read Luke 1:46-47. The angels comforted the frightened shepherds out on the dark hillside with the joy of the good news. Read Luke 2:8-11. Because of our relationship with Christ, our salvation, we can experience unconditional joy. God has given us the waters of salvation. Let us rejoice. Read Isaiah 12 “Songs of Praise.”
Sing “Joy to the World.”
IV. Prayer: Lord, today we rejoice. We rejoice because our Lord and Savior, Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Fill our hearts and our days with joy while we wait on the coming of your Son. And fill us with joy as we serve a world that needs the joy that comes from knowing Jesus Christ. We rejoice that you are with us always. AMEN
During the third week of advent use the following topics at dinnertime:
Monday - Each time you turn on the Christmas lights in your home this week say, “Christ is the light of the world, the joy of our hearts.” Have each family member share something joyful that has happened recently. Talk about things you do for others that bring you joy. Talk about ways you can bring joy to God, gifts you can give Him.
Tuesday - We do not praise God without understanding His true nature and substance. Reread Psalm 95:1-7 and ponder together as a family on who God is. Be joyful and give thanks for being His sheep, the people of His pasture.
Wednesday – Read “Mary’s Song” in Luke 1:46-55. Given the practical implications for Mary of bearing a child outside of marriage, it’s surprising that she rejoices in praise. Talk about how Mary’s other-centeredness, in place of self-centeredness, allowed her to be joyful in her circumstance.
Thursday – Reread Luke 2:8-11. Show how a candy cane is in the shape of a shepherd’s staff. The legend of the candy cane is that it was made to represent that Jesus is our Shepherd and we are His flock. A sheep follows his own shepherd, knows his voice, and trusts him and knows that he is totally safe with him. The sheep will follow no other shepherd but their own. Talk about ways your family shows they are followers of the Good Shepherd. What is something you could do better as a follower?
Friday – Reread Isaiah 12. There’s our joy, and that’s our song. Same as Israel, God’s chosen people. “Behold, God is my salvation” – He has done it all. “I will trust, and will not be afraid” – God is holy and will never fail. Singing with joy – that salvation is complete, the sorrow of sin is gone – we draw life from the never-ending well of God’s Word. Singing with joy, we live in his grace giving praise to his name. We long to love Jesus so that others can sing too. We praise his name and make known the glorious rescue from sorrow in sin and death in hell – the assurance of life in heaven. That’s the fruit of the Spirit – joy.
Fourth Sunday of Advent (December 18, 2011)
Play some Christmas music and meet around the Advent wreath.
I. Read Isaiah 9:6-7.
II. Light the first candle of HOPE, we wait in the hope that God’s promises will be fulfilled. Light the second candle of LOVE, both for our love for God and God’s great love for us. Light the third pink candle of JOY, reminding us not to be afraid, but joyful, while we wait on the Lord. Then light the final purple candle of PEACE. The light of the Angels reminds us of the peace that God gives us in Jesus Christ. A peaceful life is not just a life without stress or conflict, but one in which our trust in God does not allow fear to rule our lives. The way was prepared, God has come and redeemed His people, and we can be at peace. Read John 14:27.
III. Devotion: Read Luke 2:15-20. Mary and Joseph are with the baby Jesus in the stable. The angels told the shepherds where to look for the Christ child. The Shepherds know that God gave them the good news and sent them to see the new born King. While we have been preparing our hearts for Christmas, God has been leading and guiding us to the true meaning of Christmas. God has come into the world to be with us, so that we will experience God’s grace and love.
Sing: Hark! The herald angels sing!
IV. Prayer: Thank you Lord for giving us hope, love and joy even when life is difficult some times. Thank you for the peace we have been given through our salvation. Help us to share the true meaning of Christmas and tell others of the greatest gift of all, Jesus. AMEN
During the fourth week of advent use the following topics at dinnertime:
Monday – Read Isaiah 9:1-7. Find the references to hope, light, joy, and peace through the passage. Discuss how the birth of Jesus is alike and different from the birth of other babies?
Tuesday – Read Philippians 4:6-7. Have each member share a time that they have been afraid or anxious. Did you talk to God about your fear or concern to receive the peace God’s Word tells us about? After everyone has shared, recite John 14:27. Reminding yourselves that Jesus has given us the gift of peace, and we need only to reach out and accept it.
Wednesday – Reread Luke 2:15-20. There is a progression from good, better to best in this passage. Discuss: Do we think at all about the things that we read or hear about from God’s Word? Do we at least wonder about them? Or better, do we treasure and ponder them? Or best, do we praise God and tell others, like the shepherds?
Thursday - Discuss how different people define/celebrate Christmas. As a family share what you believe is the real meaning of Christmas. Talk about how to share the true meaning of Christmas with friends that might ask you about why you celebrate the way you do.
Friday - Talk about the different names of Jesus: Wonderful Counselor Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6), Messiah (John 4:25), the Lamb of God (John 1:29), Emmanuel (Matthew 1:23).
Today is Christmas. The day we have waited for and prepared for is finally here!
Emmanuel: God is with us!
I. Read Isaiah 7:14.
II. Light the first candle of HOPE, we wait in the hope that God’s promises will be fulfilled. Light the second candle of LOVE, both for our love for God and God’s great love for us. Light the third pink candle of JOY, be joyful while we wait on the Lord. Light the final purple candle of PEACE, God gives us peace through Jesus Christ. Finally light the Christ Candle. We light the Christ candle honoring the birth of Jesus, the Son of God, the One True Light, who has come to bring light to our hearts and to our homes. The white candle reminds us that Jesus is the spotless lamb of God, sent to wash away our sins! His birth was for his death; his death was for our birth! “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ‘Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29)
III. Eat together as a family. Afterward read Luke 2:11.
IV. Prayer: Loving God, we rejoice that today in the city of David a Savior is born. We rejoice that our hope is fulfilled, and God’s peace has come to earth. We rejoice that we can fully know God’s love in Jesus Christ. Help us to celebrate today and always that a Savior has been born to us. Amen.
V. Gather around a birthday cake for Jesus and sing “Happy Birthday.” Enjoy the cake as a family and have each person share something about Jesus that makes Him the greatest gift of all.
Play some Christmas music and meet around the table. Place the Advent Wreath in the center of your dinner table.
I. Read Psalm 25:1-3.
II. Light the first purple candle of HOPE - The light of the prophets reminds us of the hope that God gives us. We can have hope because God is faithful and will keep the promises made to us. Read Jeremiah 33:14-16. Our hope comes from God. “And again, Isaiah says, ‘The Root of Jesse will spring up, one who will arise to rule over the nations; the Gentiles will hope in him.’ May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:12-13)
III. Devotion: Today we light the first Advent candle. It is the candle of hope. It is a time to think about what it means to celebrate Jesus’ birth and to follow Jesus. The Bible says that Jesus is the light of the world. Read John 8:12. Jesus loves us and shows us the way out of the darkness. Jesus shows us the way to live. We have many lights around us at Christmas time to remind us that Jesus is the light of the world. Our hope is based on our trust that God’s gracious promise will be fulfilled. We light the candle in hope, looking forward to the time when all of God’s people will safely live in God’s city.
IV. Prayer: Thank you, Jesus, for coming to earth, just like the prophets said, and for your
promise to come again. Thank you, Jesus, for being our light so we know how to live. God help us to stop doing so many things so we can spend time with you. Help us to see your light that shines in us and help us to see your love for the world. Help us to love others the way you love them. Amen.
During the first week of advent use the following topics at dinnertime:
Monday- Ask each person to talk about a special Christmas celebration from the past. Talk about
what you are looking forward to this Christmas. How does Christmas bring you hope?
Tuesday- Share the responsibility of sending people cards this year. Give thanks for the people you are sending them to. How can these cards bring light and hope to their life?
Wednesday- Reread John 8:12, and John 12:46. By daily looking to Jesus, who came as a Light to the world, we are more and more freed from the darkness of ignorance, error, sin, and misery. We learn that the command of God our Savior is everlasting life, which provides us with a great hope. Sort through your Christmas ornaments and find those that symbolize the “Light” of Jesus who is the Light of the World. What help does the light of Jesus give to you?
Thursday- Read passages in scripture about giving and receiving gifts: Matthew 6:1-4; 7:7-12,
25:35-40. Talk about God’s gift to us? What do the passages say about giving? Do they change the way you feel about giving and receiving gifts?
Friday- Talk about a way your family can provide hope to someone else. Suggestions: Seek a family member, friend, neighbor, or co-worker you can help in some way that will give them hope. Is there a ministry opportunity your family can be involved with to give others hope? Consider sponsoring a child short term through an Angel Tree, or long term through LOI.
Second Sunday of Advent (December 4, 2011)
Play some Christmas music and meet around the Advent wreath.
I. The second candle is the Candle of Preparation. Preparation means to “get ready.” Read Isaiah 40:3-5 “A voice of one calling in the desert, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him. Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low. The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth. And all mankind will see God’s salvation.”
II. Light the first candle of HOPE- Reminding that during Advent we wait in the hope that God’s promises will be fulfilled. Then light the second candle, The Candle of Preparation which represents LOVE. God kept his promise of a Savior who would be born in Bethlehem. Read Micah 5:2-5 about the promised ruler from Bethlehem. During Advent we also wait, in love, knowing that the Good Shepherd loves his sheep and gave his life for them. Read John 10:11-15.
III. Devotion: Today on the second Sunday of Advent, we remember that Mary and Joseph were on the way to Bethlehem. Their journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem was over 70 miles. Read Luke 2:1-7. We are also on a journey. We are on our way to celebrate Christmas, and the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Sing or read: O Little Town of Bethlehem
IV. Prayer: Lord, thank you that you love us so much that you sent your Son, Jesus Christ, as a little baby. In love, O Lord, we wait for you to restore us. In love we wait to celebrate the coming of the Good Shepherd. Help us to be your sheep, depending upon you for food, assurance, and protection. Watch over us and keep us safe. May we live securely with you forever. Amen
During the second week of advent use the following topics at dinnertime:
Monday - Reread Isaiah 40:3-5. This prophecy was fulfilled through the life of John the Baptist. He did in a spiritual way what workers accomplished in a physical way when a king was about to travel through an area—that is, fix the road. Land travel depended on useable roads, which were few and hard to maintain. So when kings wanted to travel by land, workers were hired to make a special “king’s highway” (there is still a road in Palestine and Jordan called The King’s Highway). Talk about ways your family can prepare for Jesus’ second coming.
Tuesday- Reread Micah 5:2-5. These verses tell of a prophecy concerning the birth of Jesus as Prince of Peace. It speaks of Jesus’ birth and His Second Coming, and also talks of Him as coming from "everlasting" and being pre-existent. Wednesday- Reread John 10:11-15. Jesus cares for us with a pure love. He provides for us without fail. Talk about the ways Jesus cares for us as a Good Shepherd. Thursday – Reread Luke 2:1-7. Talk about daily trips that you make. What kind of transportation do you use? What is fun and what is difficult about your daily trips? What would it be like to make your daily trips on a donkey? Think about the people you know who live far away. What would it be like to travel there by donkey? Pray for your travels or for relatives and friends that may be traveling this Christmas.
Friday- Read John 3:16. Pray for nonbelievers that you know to experience God’s love through Jesus Christ. So that they will have hope and be cared for by our Good Shepherd.
Third Sunday of Advent (December 11, 2011)
Play some Christmas music and meet around the Advent wreath.
I. Read Psalm 95:1-7.
II. Light the first candle of HOPE, we wait in the hope that God’s promises will be fulfilled. Light the second candle of LOVE, both for our love for God and God’s great love for us. Then light the third, pink candle, of JOY. The light of the Shepherds reminds us not to be afraid but to be joyful while we wait on the Lord.
III. Devotion: Today is the third Sunday of Advent, the Sunday of Joy! Mary was not afraid,
but joyful, because the Lord was with her. Read Luke 1:46-47. The angels comforted the frightened shepherds out on the dark hillside with the joy of the good news. Read Luke 2:8-11. Because of our relationship with Christ, our salvation, we can experience unconditional joy. God has given us the waters of salvation. Let us rejoice. Read Isaiah 12 “Songs of Praise.”
Sing “Joy to the World.”
IV. Prayer: Lord, today we rejoice. We rejoice because our Lord and Savior, Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Fill our hearts and our days with joy while we wait on the coming of your Son. And fill us with joy as we serve a world that needs the joy that comes from knowing Jesus Christ. We rejoice that you are with us always. AMEN
During the third week of advent use the following topics at dinnertime:
Monday - Each time you turn on the Christmas lights in your home this week say, “Christ is the light of the world, the joy of our hearts.” Have each family member share something joyful that has happened recently. Talk about things you do for others that bring you joy. Talk about ways you can bring joy to God, gifts you can give Him.
Tuesday - We do not praise God without understanding His true nature and substance. Reread Psalm 95:1-7 and ponder together as a family on who God is. Be joyful and give thanks for being His sheep, the people of His pasture.
Wednesday – Read “Mary’s Song” in Luke 1:46-55. Given the practical implications for Mary of bearing a child outside of marriage, it’s surprising that she rejoices in praise. Talk about how Mary’s other-centeredness, in place of self-centeredness, allowed her to be joyful in her circumstance.
Thursday – Reread Luke 2:8-11. Show how a candy cane is in the shape of a shepherd’s staff. The legend of the candy cane is that it was made to represent that Jesus is our Shepherd and we are His flock. A sheep follows his own shepherd, knows his voice, and trusts him and knows that he is totally safe with him. The sheep will follow no other shepherd but their own. Talk about ways your family shows they are followers of the Good Shepherd. What is something you could do better as a follower?
Friday – Reread Isaiah 12. There’s our joy, and that’s our song. Same as Israel, God’s chosen people. “Behold, God is my salvation” – He has done it all. “I will trust, and will not be afraid” – God is holy and will never fail. Singing with joy – that salvation is complete, the sorrow of sin is gone – we draw life from the never-ending well of God’s Word. Singing with joy, we live in his grace giving praise to his name. We long to love Jesus so that others can sing too. We praise his name and make known the glorious rescue from sorrow in sin and death in hell – the assurance of life in heaven. That’s the fruit of the Spirit – joy.
Fourth Sunday of Advent (December 18, 2011)
Play some Christmas music and meet around the Advent wreath.
I. Read Isaiah 9:6-7.
II. Light the first candle of HOPE, we wait in the hope that God’s promises will be fulfilled. Light the second candle of LOVE, both for our love for God and God’s great love for us. Light the third pink candle of JOY, reminding us not to be afraid, but joyful, while we wait on the Lord. Then light the final purple candle of PEACE. The light of the Angels reminds us of the peace that God gives us in Jesus Christ. A peaceful life is not just a life without stress or conflict, but one in which our trust in God does not allow fear to rule our lives. The way was prepared, God has come and redeemed His people, and we can be at peace. Read John 14:27.
III. Devotion: Read Luke 2:15-20. Mary and Joseph are with the baby Jesus in the stable. The angels told the shepherds where to look for the Christ child. The Shepherds know that God gave them the good news and sent them to see the new born King. While we have been preparing our hearts for Christmas, God has been leading and guiding us to the true meaning of Christmas. God has come into the world to be with us, so that we will experience God’s grace and love.
Sing: Hark! The herald angels sing!
IV. Prayer: Thank you Lord for giving us hope, love and joy even when life is difficult some times. Thank you for the peace we have been given through our salvation. Help us to share the true meaning of Christmas and tell others of the greatest gift of all, Jesus. AMEN
During the fourth week of advent use the following topics at dinnertime:
Monday – Read Isaiah 9:1-7. Find the references to hope, light, joy, and peace through the passage. Discuss how the birth of Jesus is alike and different from the birth of other babies?
Tuesday – Read Philippians 4:6-7. Have each member share a time that they have been afraid or anxious. Did you talk to God about your fear or concern to receive the peace God’s Word tells us about? After everyone has shared, recite John 14:27. Reminding yourselves that Jesus has given us the gift of peace, and we need only to reach out and accept it.
Wednesday – Reread Luke 2:15-20. There is a progression from good, better to best in this passage. Discuss: Do we think at all about the things that we read or hear about from God’s Word? Do we at least wonder about them? Or better, do we treasure and ponder them? Or best, do we praise God and tell others, like the shepherds?
Thursday - Discuss how different people define/celebrate Christmas. As a family share what you believe is the real meaning of Christmas. Talk about how to share the true meaning of Christmas with friends that might ask you about why you celebrate the way you do.
Friday - Talk about the different names of Jesus: Wonderful Counselor Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6), Messiah (John 4:25), the Lamb of God (John 1:29), Emmanuel (Matthew 1:23).
Today is Christmas. The day we have waited for and prepared for is finally here!
Emmanuel: God is with us!
I. Read Isaiah 7:14.
II. Light the first candle of HOPE, we wait in the hope that God’s promises will be fulfilled. Light the second candle of LOVE, both for our love for God and God’s great love for us. Light the third pink candle of JOY, be joyful while we wait on the Lord. Light the final purple candle of PEACE, God gives us peace through Jesus Christ. Finally light the Christ Candle. We light the Christ candle honoring the birth of Jesus, the Son of God, the One True Light, who has come to bring light to our hearts and to our homes. The white candle reminds us that Jesus is the spotless lamb of God, sent to wash away our sins! His birth was for his death; his death was for our birth! “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ‘Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29)
III. Eat together as a family. Afterward read Luke 2:11.
IV. Prayer: Loving God, we rejoice that today in the city of David a Savior is born. We rejoice that our hope is fulfilled, and God’s peace has come to earth. We rejoice that we can fully know God’s love in Jesus Christ. Help us to celebrate today and always that a Savior has been born to us. Amen.
V. Gather around a birthday cake for Jesus and sing “Happy Birthday.” Enjoy the cake as a family and have each person share something about Jesus that makes Him the greatest gift of all.
Family Devotional
Sunday, November 6, 2011
November's Family Devotional
This month I found a link everyone can go to that has different activities based on the age of each family's child(ren). All activities are related to "Thankfulness" to help our families practice gratitude for the things God has blessed us with.
Crystal (:
Crystal (:
Monday, October 31, 2011
Weekly Challenge
First of all, a shout out to everyone who shared in the discussion in class! Some great wisdom was shared by everyone.
One of the things we talked about was that our faith should be focused on the person of God rather than on the promises of God. During dinner times with your family this week talk about the characteristics of God that mean the most to you. Spend time in prayer with your family thanking Him for those things.
Secondly, Travis and Aaron will both be out of town this coming Saturday and we will thus have a guest speaker. Another class member has stepped up to lead the lesson this week. Be sure and read Luke 8:4-25 several times this week in preparation for class.
In Him,
One of the things we talked about was that our faith should be focused on the person of God rather than on the promises of God. During dinner times with your family this week talk about the characteristics of God that mean the most to you. Spend time in prayer with your family thanking Him for those things.
Secondly, Travis and Aaron will both be out of town this coming Saturday and we will thus have a guest speaker. Another class member has stepped up to lead the lesson this week. Be sure and read Luke 8:4-25 several times this week in preparation for class.
In Him,
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Weekly Challenge
What wonderful conversation we had in class Saturday night! It is my belief that we will learn the most when we discuss the Word together in open conversation. I know that I was particularly blessed by the wisdom that was shared by Bridgette, Tony, Will, and Mike.
Since we didn't quite finish covering the entire passage, our challenge for this week is to read Luke 6:1-11 and discuss it with your family over dinner. Discuss the Sabbath, look up the 10 commandments to discover what God commanded about the Sabbath, compare that to Jesus' teaching in Luke 6:1-11 and decide as a family the way in which you will reconcile these teachings and obey.
In Him,
Since we didn't quite finish covering the entire passage, our challenge for this week is to read Luke 6:1-11 and discuss it with your family over dinner. Discuss the Sabbath, look up the 10 commandments to discover what God commanded about the Sabbath, compare that to Jesus' teaching in Luke 6:1-11 and decide as a family the way in which you will reconcile these teachings and obey.
In Him,
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Weekly Challenge
Educate yourself on the NEXT campaign at the link above.
Check out the "trailer" on that site as well (you might see someone you know).
Spend time praying with your family this week about NEXT.
Talk to your family about what your role is going to be.

In Him,
Educate yourself on the NEXT campaign at the link above.
Check out the "trailer" on that site as well (you might see someone you know).
Spend time praying with your family this week about NEXT.
Talk to your family about what your role is going to be.
In Him,
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