Sunday, August 31, 2014

Weekly Challenge

The message found in the Proverbs we looked at last night were pretty simple.  We are to pursue righteousness, love, humility, the fear of the Lord, integrity, faith, peace, and a pure heart; this will lead to life, prosperity, bounty, honor, righteousness, abundance, riches and security.

But we were all in a agreement that, although the message was simple, this is no simple checklist to work through; this requires a moment by moment intentionality, an aiming of our thoughts, words and deeds towards the things of God.  But we cannot do it on own.  We must seek the Lord's help and we must do this in community.  We must be a Nathan to others and have Nathans in our life (see 2 Samuel 12:1-14).

The Challenge:
1) Reflect on who the Nathans are in your life. Are they helping you aim your life towards the things above?  What needs to be done to take those relationships to the next step?
2) Reflect on to whom are you being a Nathan?  Are you helping them aim their lives towards the things above?  What needs to be done to take those relationships to the next step?
3) Prepare for next weeks class by meditating on these Proverbs this week:
Monday: Proverbs 12:16
Tuesday: Proverbs 14:17
Wednesday: Proverbs 14:29
Thursday: Proverbs 15:1
Friday: Proverbs 17:27
Saturday: Proverbs 29:22

In Him,