Sunday, August 21, 2011

Once again, great conversation last night in class!  In order to keep that going we have to continue to prepare for class during the week; be sure and read Luke 1:5-56 a few times this week  so you will be ready for next week's discussion.

William Barclay writes, "It is most significant that Luke was not satisfied with anyone else's story of Christ.  He must have his own.  Real religion is never a second-hand thing.  It is a personal discovery. Professor Arthur Gossip of Trinity College, Glasgow, used to say that the four gospels were important, but beyond them all came the gospel of personal experience.  Luke had to rediscover Jesus Christ for himself." (from the New Daily Study Bible, "The Gospel of Luke," page 10)

Spend time this week discussing with your family what your personal experience is with the gospel.  Share how you have come to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the gospel is true.  Start planning ways to help your children put into to words what their personal experiences are.

In Him,