Sunday, January 29, 2012

Life Group family and friends,

On Saturday evening we studied Luke 14: 1-24.  Jesus was telling the audience that:

  1. Followers of Christ are not legalistic, but exhibit mercy.  (Luke 14:1-6)
  2. Followers of Christ don’t exalt themselves, but are humble.  (Luke 14:7-14)
  3. Followers of Christ don’t make excuses, but act when God calls.  (Luke 14:15-24)
For our challenge this week, I am going to ask you to look at your priorities.   Think about the appointments on your calendar for the last couple weeks and the credit card bill or the checks you wrote over the last few weeks.  What does this information reveal about your priorities?  Where would you fall on this continuum?

My Priorities are
All about me---------------------------------------------------------------All about God

I challenge you to pick one of the priorities of Jesus above to claim this week.  Be intentional by praying that God will provide one divine intersection this week that will give you the opportunity to practice that priority. 

It would be a very special time if we were able to meet again next Saturday and spend 20 minutes sharing how God was able to work through us this week. 

Be Intentional.
