We finished week 2 of our Colossians study. We focused on 4 characteristics of worthy, obedient living.
1. Bearing fruit in every good work.
2. Growing in the knowledge of God.
3. Being strengthened with all power.
4. Giving thanks to the Father.
We had a great discussion on how to achieve those tasks outlined by Paul. Thank you for the insight.
In Colossians 1: 9-14, Paul says we have a purpose and we need to follow the will of our creator. We concluded that we use the Holy Spirit (or God the Spirit) to reveal and gain knowledge.
My challenge to you this week is to talk with your family about the prevalence of the Holy Spirit in your life. One very good resource is the book, Forgotten God by Francis Chan. Forgotten God
Get the book from the LP bookstore or library. You can also find it at (List of online bookstores)
Be intentional this week.