Monday, February 18, 2013

Weekly Challenge

What a wonderful night of discussion!  Thank you to everyone who spoke up and shared their thoughts, opinions and feelings on Saturday.

In Colossians 2:1-8 Paul is hitting the crux of the issue.  He encourages the church against false teachings and worldy philosophies.  The ammunition with which to fight these things is the knowledge and wisdom of Jesus Christ.

On Saturday we discussed that worldly and deceitful philosophies don't necessarily have to be anti-Christian worldviews.  It could simply be a system that focuses on knowing about Jesus rather than knowing who He is and developing a deep relationship with him.

The Challenge:
Take time to ponder if their are any kinds of worldly wisdom to which you grasp on to.
Ask God to show you the truth with which to combat it.
Meditate on your relationship with God and ask Him to show you what the next step is in your relationship.

In Him,