Sunday, September 22, 2013

Life Group Weekly Challenge

Life Group Family & Friends:

If you are like me, you may have a tough time remembering names, forgetting where you placed something, or missing some evening event on your calendar.  You may even have a tough time learning the word of God and committing it to memory. 

But why is it that I can quote movies like Office Space or Dumb & Dumber and remember verses to songs from the late 80s?

In our study of Exodus 12 and 13, we see that God instructs His people to Remember, Celebrate, and Teach their children of His mighty salvation.  Parents were to tell their children that the reason for the festival that includes eating bread without yeast was to help the people remember that God delivered them from Egyptian slavery. 

As we focus on how to be intentional with our challenge this week, ponder on these 2 questions:

1.       Why is it important for us to remember what God has done in our lives?

2.       How would you rate your effectiveness in teaching the children that are a part of your life about how God can deliver us from the slavery of sin?

My challenge to you is to take one time this week as a family to make a list of what God has done in your lives and to celebrate together.  Go get Fro-Yo together, enjoy Sonic happy hour, maybe a special breakfast.  Tell your children how God saved/delivered you.

Be Intentional.
