Sunday, January 26, 2014

Weekly Challenge -Satan

Life Group Community:
Really enjoyed our discussions during LG.  Our thematic song was Sympathy For The Devil and our passage was 1 John 2:12-17.
John points out that we have overcome Satan due to the power of God, but our discussion focused on the reality and the schemes of the evil one.
In the great words of Verbal Kent (Usual Suspects), the greatest trick the devil if did was convince the world that he doesn't exist.  I believe most American Christians see Satan as the anti-Santa Claus.  Instead of "You better be good, or Santa won't bring you a present", it is "You better not be bad, or the devil is going to get you".
But 1 Peter 5:8 shows us a different picture. Predator, sneaky, on the hunt, intent to kill, vicious attack, etc. This is not a red skinned, long tailed, pitch fork holding, cartoon Satan. 

On way to counter the schemes of Satan is to be in a strong Christian community (ex. Our life group). As we saw on the Frozen Planet clip, you will still be attacked when in the herd (or community) but the goal is to separate you to make it easier to kill your marriage, testimony, faith, confidence in God, etc.

My challenge for you this week is to make a commitment to get in community and play a part in your community.  Hebrews 10:24-25 tells us to get back in community so we can encourage each other, urge each other on, support each other, and grow with each other.

Be intentional.