Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Weekly Challenge -The Jesus Test

Life Group,
In 1 John 4:1-6, we are challenged to test false teaching (spirits, doctrine, teachers) by the Jesus test.  John says that many people will have good teaching, but not claim Jesus as God’s Son that came as flesh to die for our sins. 
So how do we tell???  Remember the story about the zoo in China that was trying to fool people by telling them a Tibetan Mastiff was a Lion?  Here is a picture:

Seems ridiculous when you know the truth.  Same goes with the worldly spiritual teachings that are so easily accepted.  They might sound good with some truth, until you compare them to the real truth. JESUS. 
My challenge to you this week is to begin reading The Case For The Real Jesus by Lee Strobel or Who Is This Man by John Ortberg. 

Be intentional.
