Sunday, August 16, 2015

Weekly Challenge

I will just get right to the point.

The Challenge:
We start a new series next week called "Messiah's Coming" which will focus on the latter parts of Isaiah.

Challenge 1:
Read Isaiah this week
At least read Isaiah starting in chapter 40 through the end of the book.

Challenge 2:
Over the past 2 weeks I have discussed that Priscilla and I feel led and are stepping out in faith to help launch a new church called Crosspoint Community Church.  Mike and Jennifer Henry also shared last night that they will be doing the same.
- For a teacher to step up from the Life Group to co-teach with Travis
- All of us, regardless of what church building we call home, will continue to live out Ephesians 4 as a "Community of Unity"
- For wisdom for the leaders of the new church
- For the hearts and minds of those stepping out to help launch

In Him,