You have been chosen, redeemed, and sealed! Amen. In our study of Ephesians 1:3-14, we learned:
- God the Father chose you
- God the Son redeemed you
- God the Spirit sealed you
Your salvation is a done deal. God's desire now is that you participate with Him. He wants you to live a holy and blameless life, be intentional, and make a difference for Him today. This goes back to our challenge last week regarding Ephesians 4.
The challenge this week is talk to someone this week about the security you have because of what the Trinity has done for you. Describe the hope, joy, and peace you have and how your life is different.
People are naturally seeking. As the news story we read in LG, some people will believe in Jediism to give them some type of higher power. But they will not find security.
Be intentional.