Sunday, May 6, 2012

LG Weekly Challenge

Life Group Family & Friends:

The passage we studied in Luke 22:39-62 gave a description of a very dark time in the life of different people.  Jesus was ending his time with the disciples and beginning a lonely road of torture and death.  The disciples saw their hope and their rabbi being arrested.  The religious leaders came in physical darkness and spiritual darkness to arrest God the Son. 

We all have to endure dark times in our lives.  These times may last a week, a month, or many years.  But how do we prepare?  Let’s look at what Jesus taught us:

·         Pray for heavenly help to endure the darkness of trials and temptations, (Luke 22:39-46)
·         Resist the urge to become bitter, to act in ignorant opposition to God’s plans, or to escape persecution for the Kingdom’s sake, (Luke 22:47-53)
·         Turn from self-sufficiency and pride that leads to denial [a failure of nerve and faithfulness], (Luke 22:54-62)

Luke gave a lot of detail to the story and contrast of how Jesus prepared for enduring the darkness and how Peter struggled and failed in his period of darkness.   However, the fact that Peter recovered from his betrayal and became one of the greatest Christians in history gives hope that anyone can recover.

The challenge for you this week is to read Luke 22:39-62 then read the eight chapters of 1 & 2 Peter.  Talk with your spouse about how Peter learned to endure darkness.

Be Intentional.
