Sunday, May 20, 2012

Weekly Challenge (Play)

Life Group Team:

A lot of prayer and preparation went into the leadership meeting.  Thank you for being part of the team. 

It was a very special and meaningful moment when we got to honor and thank Bill McKown for his service and leadership to our Life Group as coordinator.  We are excited to see the new role he will take on our team and the help he will give Kevin Mills and Will Schale as they become our coordinator team.  Check out this website for some more information on the Divine Servant sculpture: Max Greiner Jr. art

Our challenge play for the week is to read Ephesians 4 at least once this week.  As you read that chapter, think about our Life Group and how we need to be a community of unity.  Ask the Holy Spirit to open up your eyes and your heart to the words.

Be Intentional.
