Friday, August 31, 2012

"Mealtime Moments" Family Devotionals

Now that everyone is back to school, and we are all adjusting to new schedules I thought these "Mealtime Moments" from Focus on the Family would work great! I encourage you to find one night during each week this month for your family to sit at the table and enjoy a meal together. There are seven categories in the "Mealtime Moments." This month we are going to choose from the "Building Character"category. There are eleven different devotionals for this category. Look through these devotionals in advance and choose the four you would like to do with your family. A few of them require a minimal amount of preparation.  If you find time to do more than one a week, that's awesome. This is how these mealtime devotionals work:

After announcing the title, read the Mealtime Prayer suggestion and have one of your children pray it. Then read the Appetizer. The Appetizer is just that, something to wet your appetite for more.
Follow it with the Main Course. This contains the "meat" of the section. Once you've given your family something to chew on, it's time for Table Talk. These challenging questions will make your kids think about what they've just learned and explain how to apply it to their daily lives. Finally, end with Vitamins and Minerals, a Bible verse that relates to the day's reading and discussion. Be sensitive to how your children respond. Allow enough time for them to answer the questions, but don't force conversation if they don't seem interested.

Follow this link to BE INTENTIONAL with your family during September!
Crystal (: