Weekly Challenge:
Simply awesome discussion last night! We dug into James 5:19-20 and Galatians 6:1-2 in order to determine what responsibility we, as believers, have in reaching out to and restoring our brothers and sisters who have wandered from the truth (what we used to call "backsliders"). We came up with lots of great attributes and put them on the board: be prepared to be rejected, be authentic, consider yourself first, restore gently, be humble, leave the results up to the Spirit, bear their burdens with them without putting yourself in the mire, etc.
Also, as Michael C. so astutely observed, we must own these ideas in such a way so that when it is OURSELVES who become "backsliders" we are prepared to accept another brother or sister who comes after us to confront, restore, and bear our burdens with us.
I am going to stray a bit from our actual lesson and ask that you continue last week's challenge of praying through Scripture. As we move forward as a community of unity I believe our first step is to pray together in one accord. Please pray through Scriptures for our class this week. Here are a few categories you can pray through but do not feel limited to these:
For teachers:
James 3:1
For leaders (coordinators):
Romans 12:6-8
For leaders who feel burned out:
Isaiah 40:30-31
For those not currently in positions and for the King/Swanson LG in general:
Ephesians 4:11-16
In Him,