Sunday, October 20, 2013

Weekly Challenge: 10 Commandments

During our discussion about the 10 commandments, I found it interesting that we so naturally started trying to define what certain commandments really meant.  What is the Sabbath?  What does it mean to honor it?  What constitutes work? That's exactly what the Pharisees did, but they ended up taking it to an extreme and turning God's laws into frivolous non-Spirit-led living.  Nevertheless, we all agreed that the commandments and Christ's law of love are vitally important in our relationship with God and others.

The Challenge:
Spend time reflecting on the 10 Commandments as well as what Christ referred to as the 2 greatest commandments.  Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your heart and ask Him to reveal what areas of your life need to change in order to obey God more fully.

In Him,