Follow the link below as a resource for Thanksgiving family devotionals from "Having a Thankful Heart." It is broken up into four weeks, with an additional devotion for Thanksgiving Day. I know our schedules are busy. I chose this resource because it's structured to where you should be able to chose one night a week to do a devotion and be intentional with your family.
Week ONE- God Provides Food
Week TWO - God Provides Family
Week THREE - God Provides Friends
Week FOUR - God Provides Eternal Life
Thanksgiving Day Worship
Each week has scripture, discussion, prayer, song(s), and an activity. Choose what works best for your family. Do it all in one night, spread it out through the week, and/or skip over parts that don't fit your family dynamic. If this devotion doesn't work for your family, look over our previous Thanksgiving Family Devotionals and see if you like one of them better. The goal is to spend time as a family focusing on God's provision and giving thanks.
Just giving you a heads up that Advent begins on Sunday, December 1st. If you haven't participated in the Advent devotionals in the past, I encourage you to get an Advent wreath and candles so your family can participate this holiday season. You can find our previous Advent devotionals under the "Advent" label in the sidebar to the right. This year I'm going to try and combine this with reading the book of Luke from December through April. We'll see if I can get it to work.
<>< Crystal